
Beverage Trade Network authors

John Trinidad


Attorney. Business, Alcohol Beverage, and Intellectual Property.

John brings a diverse set of business, legal, and wine industry experience to Dickenson Peatman and Fogarty, where he currently works with the Business, Alcohol Beverage, and Intellectual Property departments. He has developed high-level business strategy as a management consultant; helped clients through multiple complex legal issues during his career as an attorney; and worked harvest in two different countries in the same calendar year.

In 2011, John explored his interest in the wine industry by working harvest at wineries in Sonoma and Burgundy. This hands-on experience gave John a deep appreciation for the complex set of regulatory and business problems faced by growers and producers. It also drove him to try to combine his legal and business experience with his interest in wine by launching a solo practice serving alcohol beverage clients and, subsequently, joining DP&F.

John has visited over 50 wineries in France and Germany, completed the Business of Wine course at the Culinary Institute of America, and attended a program on Comparative Aspects of U.S. and E.U. Wine Law at the Univeristé de Reims in Champagne. He is currently working with Richard Mendelson on a chapter focused on U.S. wine law for a Global Wine Law textbook along with DP&F. 


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