Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Optimizing the balance of your cost of goods, allocated expenses, the costs of doing business through sales channels options, distributor costs, and markups, and on- and off-premise licensee markups is imperative to maximize your profits.
Optimizing the balance of your cost of goods, allocated expenses, the costs of doing business through sales channels options, distributor costs, and markups, and on- and off-premise licensee markups is imperative to maximize your profits. Knowing these industry benchmarks and best practices enable you to fine-tune your bulk wine financial plans and goals.
***About Tim Hanni***
Tim Hanni, one of the first two Americans to earn the title of Master of Wine. A professionally trained chef, and international consultant to the wine industry, Hanni is the author of “Why You Like the Wines You Like; Changing the way the world thinks about wine.”
This paradigm-changing book focuses on expanding wine enjoyment by understanding the factors that influence personal wine preferences while eliminating counter-productive myths and misinformation. The Wine and Spirits Education Trust in London has recently adopted, and now teaches, his principles of Flavor Balancing and pairing wines to the diner, not the dinner. Hailed by the Wall Street Journal as “The Wine Anti-Snob,” Tim is an innovator, researcher, renegade and a relentless crusader against wine snobbery.
Know more about Tim:
Watch On Youtube: www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=2dG…eo_referrer=watch
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