Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Quinta da Devesa is located in the demarcated Douro region, in the North of Portugal, 10 miles away from Peso da Régua. With 34 hectares planted with the grape varieties recommended for the region, goes from a quota of 60 m up to 500 m high; part facing south, getting an excellent sun exposure, and part facing the buttresses of Marão, where it receives natural fresh winds. This diversity of solar and wind exposure causes different levels of grape maturation, allowing timing of harvest in optimal conditions and producing wines with differentiated characteristics and evolutions. Situated on a promontory which overlooks the confluence of the rivers Douro and Corgo from where an wonderful sight can be enjoyed, covering the valleys of the rivers and mountains of the 4 districts that surround it.