Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Dutch agriculture and specifically the horticulture, has alwaysbeen famous for its innovative character. Being open to innovations can lead to beautiful product developments. That is why two enterprising vegetable growers explored the possibilities to expand the applications for tomatoes and paprikas. They came in contact with ’Neerlands Wijnmakerij’, one of the biggest professional wineries in the Netherlands. This cooperation has resulted in a surprisingly new wine product: ViniVega. ViniVega was immediately embraced by the culinary elite in The Netherlands and Germany. Jonnie and Thérèse Boer of restaurant De Librije*** in Zwolle (NL) and Thomas Bühner of restaurant La Vie*** , Osnabrück (D), famous for their constant innovation in gastronomy, have lend their names to this exclusive product. ViniVega Paprika and Tomato offer a complete new spectrum to the known wine-dine combinations. Visit our website for wine-dine inspiration.