Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Bodega Barberis

  • Category: Winery

  • Country: Argentina

  • Date:27/12/2018

The family tradition of Barberis Winery begins around the year 1895 in Piedmont, Italy. As like many Europeans, our forefathers embarked for America in search of a dream. Around 1910, Domingo Bernardo Barberis, Humberto Barberis’ grandfather, built a small winery where he begins to make wine in the traditional way, using the methods learned in Italy. He died at the early age of 42, and then the winery is sold. In 1965, Don Humberto Barberis managed to turn the family stories and dreams into reality, and buys his first vineyard to start producing the first grapes to be sold to other wineries. After 20 years, Don Humberto Barberis does not hesitate to buy a winery, which is recycled to new, and with the help of his children, he begins to produce bulk wines. Due to their excellence and the quality of these wines, he started to sell to renowned wineries. In 1989, the business moved to a winery in the locality of Vistalba, which is also recycled. Here we began to produce and store not only our own wines, but we also began to make wines for other important world-class wineries which put their trust in us. In 2000, we decided to start with a new project, the export of wines, mostly bottled wines, thus opening up to different markets. We decided to sell this great winery to get back to basics and start to produce premium wines in a more personalized way. We purchased a winery located in El Sauce, Guaymallén. This is a smaller winery but equipped with the latest technology to meet the most demanding markets. This is a place where we dedicate all our time and effort to creating products that stand out for their excellence within our country and abroad. Expanding on the family dream, we decided to redesign all of our product lines that have allowed our wines to be more attractive over the years and to improve our sales in different markets. We have strengthened both nationally and internationally, achieving a strong acceptance and preference for our wines by the most demanding consumers. Many countries now enjoy the flavors of our wines with a family tradition as well as other wines from Mendoza.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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Category: Spirits Importer
Country: Australia

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