Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
A super transport drink that delivers immediate health and wellness benefits for the socially active, the health conscious consumer, medicinal user, and recreational user. "Hydrate While You Celebrate!" Hydration recovery beverage that can be consumed with alcohol or consumed alone.
PLAY MODE Beverage is an all natural daily wellness rehydration solution. Combining health & wellness needs with social endurance demands. PLAY MODE, captures both stand-alone and mixer market.
Michael Baeta, the founder and owner of PLAY MODE, created and owns “Hydrate While You Celebrate”, the rapidly growing category and registration of both a stand-alone drink and mixer classification. Baeta’s innovation offers a healthier alternative and foothold within a category that captures both the non-alcoholic and alcoholic world, making PLAY MODE a valuable player. PLAY MODE is being compared to pedialyte for adults, but where pedialyte left off, PLAY MODE picked up and innovated. PLAY MODE is attracting loyal consumers fixated on a lifestyle of wellness needs and social endurance demands. New packaging showcases all natural benefits like higher levels of zinc, vitamin C, super antioxidants, real juice, sea salt, potassium, and only 5 grams of total sugar, for the health conscious consumer; as well as a fill line on the side of the bottle for the mixing convenience of the active socialite. PLAY MODE’S combination of sustaining a healthy lifestyle and fulfilling an active social life, serves well in a market seeking healthier options.