Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Costa Rica's Water

  • Category: Non Alcoholic Drinks Supplier

  • Country: Costa Rica

  • Date:04/06/2015

I’m Ariel, I bottle and export "High Mountain Rain Forest Pure Natural Alkaline Soft Mineral Spring Water" from the hillsides of The National Park of Water, Juan Castro Blanco, in tropical Costa Rica. Probably the best water in the world... certainly the best tasting bottled water, due to it\'s purity which comes directly from the source spring... located in the most remote and unexplored mountains of Costa Rica, dripped down thru the earth from 2,000 meters to be bottled at 1,850 meters above sea level. Our springs are immersed in the savage and lush virgin mountain rainforest, where water is bagged in tiny atoms in the shape of drops/fog concentrated in the trees foliage, florae and flowers, traveling amid the terrain gradations where it is purified by nature amidst the ground reaching mother nature’s underground water flows, eventually sprouting directly from our springs into our bottled water production plant, strait into the water bottles which are sealed in a sanitized (FDA Approved) method, untouched by mankind. It is only in this way, we can maintain the health and beneficial properties of balanced and filtered soft natural minerals that are found in our spring water... that even infants can drink.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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