Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Groupe Saint Aubin is an agro industrial group located in the deep south of Mauritius. It is a family run business, which started in 1819. The Group started in the sugar industry then expanded in tea industry, agricultural rum and in the production of quality country products. Le Domaine de Saint Aubin, member of Groupe Saint Aubin, is situated in Rivière des Anguilles, 4 km away from the village of Souillac. ARTISANAL DISTILLERY IN 2003 The artisanal distillery of Saint Aubin produces authentic agricultural rum equally appreciated by connoisseurs and amateurs. Our "white" rum is made from specially selected cane sugar. The first pressed juice is distilled in a traditional potstill. Only the heart of the ‘coeurdechauffe’ is used to provide you with rum of exceptional quality. TRADITIONAL DISTILLERY IN 2011 With the view of expanding the production capacity for its agricultural rum and in order to meet the demand, Saint Aubin Ltée established a new traditional distillery with a copper column to increase its high quality agricultural rum production capacity without forgetting fruit based liqueurs.