Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Loch Leven Brewery

  • Category: Brewery

  • Country: Spain (Canary Islands)

  • Date:13/05/2019

Set up just over 18 months ago, we have been successfully trading in our local area. Our ambition was to produce quality, hand made beers with the emphasis on consistency and taste. Our brands are based on local characters from the history of the area we work in, who we feel displayed character traits and behaviours that match our own values and which are relevant to todays problems. 'Warrior Queen' is a light, hoppy IPA, a tribute to Mary Queen of Scots who was imprisoned on Loch Leven, not because she fought a large number of battles, but because she was a woman in a mans world and spent her whole life fighting against rich and powerful noblemen, who tried to control her. 'Outlaw King' is a sweet, malty golden ale named after Robert the Bruce who is buried 10 miles from our brewery. He was a great leader that showed courage and a determination of purpose that took him from outlaw to King in a few years. 'Shining Knight' Andrew Carnegie, arguably the worlds greatest ever philanthropist, was born near our brewery before making his fortune in America. He was a hard worker who spent half his life making money and the second half giving it away. 'King Slayer' is a bold, malty, Scottish Beer named after a local Lord who, as Captain of the Scots Guard who made up Henry II of France's bodyguard accidentally killed the King he worked for. This ruined his career, but he went onto take monastic orders and got on with his life.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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Category: Wine Wholesaler
Country: France

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