

Consultant Country: United States


The Armanetti Group markets and sells wines and spirits. We get our customers distributors through our network of distributor partners. With our experience we help our clients navigate through the difficult job of compliance in each state and also help to get distribution of their wines and spirits. We help our clients from beginning to success. We deal with all major retailers, local retailers and also on premise accounts. We are your brands marketing team.

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Company Experience: 20+ Years

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Consultant Country:

Countries covered:
Current product line: Wine;Spirits;Beers
Looking for new: Spirits
Target customers: Distributors;On-Premise Retailers;Off-Premise Retailers;National and Large Chains;Airlines and Cruises
Compensation method: Base + Commission

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Consultant Country: United States

Countries covered: Array
Current product line: Wine;Spirits
Looking for new: Wine;Spirits
Target customers: Distributors;On-Premise Retailers;Off-Premise Retailers;National and Large Chains;Airlines and Cruises
Compensation method: Base + Commission

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