

Consultant Country: Hong Kong


We are a Hong-Kong-based sourcing specialist providing services for businesses around the globe. This includes sourcing, market analysis, marketing & sales, distribution & logistics and after-sales services. With these services we support our customers to expand into existing and new markets. Our product portfolio includes premium food and beverage goods for the markets of Asia as well as a range of non-food items for multiple industries. Get in touch with us if you are looking for a specific product and/or if you plan to venture into new markets - we are looking forward to engaging with you.

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Consultant Country: Luxembourg

Current product line: Wine
Looking for new: Wine
Target customers: Distributors;On-Premise Retailers;Off-Premise Retailers;National and Large Chains;Airlines and Cruises
Compensation method: Commision Based

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Consultant Country: United States

Countries covered: US
Current product line: Wine;Spirits
Looking for new: Wine;Spirits
Target customers: Distributors;On-Premise Retailers;Off-Premise Retailers
Compensation method: Commision Based

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