Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Founded in 2012, Bonfire Wines are sold in innovative, mobile packaging. The company’s signature blends, Ignite and Ember, are available exclusively in highly sustainable packaging that uses fewer raw materials, produces less Greenhouse Gas Emissions and boasts an improved product to package ratio than the equivalent volume of glass bottle. Each pouch holds 1.5 liters – the equivalent of two bottles of wine. The compact packaging fits hassle-free into coolers and refrigerators and chills in 65 percent less time a traditional bottle. Additionally, a built-in spout lets consumers enjoy wine by the glass and each pouch stays fresh for four weeks after opening. For more information, please visit www.drinkbonfire.com Featured press: New York Times, "To Reach Younger Buyers, Vintners Rethink Their Packaging." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/26/business/media/to-reach-younger-buyers-vintners-rethink-their-packaging.html?_r=0