Poet's Leap Riesling
Long Shadows Vintners
United States
Dear Sir : I contact you to inform about our wine cellar. We are looking for Importers or distributors in Denmark . Bodega cerro San Cristobal is a wine cellar located in Andalucia. In Natural Park of Aracena and picos de Aroche. We practise a low intervention viticulture, in a Sandy, poor and rocky soil, and the land is slopped ( between 725 and 915 metres of altitude) We make four wines: two whites: Color de Iris and Mis 2 estrellas with the Origin appellation “Condado de Huelva” and two Blacks: Bemoles and Bienteveo. The two white are daily wines. One of them dry and the other semy –dry. The Black wines are more specials. One of them, Bemoles, aged for trhee monts in oak barrels, and the other one , Bienteveo aged for eighteen moths in american and french barrels. All of them have an history to tell, about how to make good wine in an special environment, feelling free to experiment with the flavours, the tastes and the aromas. I would really appreciate you to see the link below to know more about us. https://we.tl/t-BB7yxLNxjk For adicional information, please visit our web www.bodegacerrosancristobal.com If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely,