Barolo Perno 2021
Greg Linn Wines and Imports
There are few Africans whose creative journey has been as wide-ranging, singular and successful as the one travelled by Liz Ogumbo. Over the past decade, this formidably focused Kenyan has established herself as creative entrepreneur whose work in music, fashion, television, radio and wine. Through all these, she shares an enviable commitment to excellence and to fostering relationships and projects that advance the African creative industries globally. Whether it’s writing, recording and performing her original music, designing for her eponymous fashion label, hosting and producing Fashion Lab Africa TV and radio, or starting new creative initiatives like #LSHW, Lipstick Skirts Heels & Wine—which has opened up an avenue for her to introduce her new wine brand, ‘Liz Ogumbo’, into the market. “When I moved into South Africa in 2011, I fell in love with wine as I moved through the South African wine lands across Constantia, Stellenbosh, Franshoek, Paarl & Hermanus wine routes in a quest to discover the great South African Wines; the best wines I had ever experienced. I remain grateful for the opportunity to spend about a year in the Cape navigating from one wine farm to the next, tasting wines and learning what set South African wines apart from other wines of the world.” “In 2018, I released my 1st series of wines into the wine market ; Pinotage 2013 ‘Mon Homme’ and a Chenin Blanc/Chardonnay 2017 blend ‘Msenangu,’ carefully crafted by winemaker Hendrik Snyman.” On my most recent series of wine releases, I have had the priviledge to collaborate with world-acclaimed ingenious winemaker, Bartho Eksteen on two wines; 'Her,' a Shiraz 2018 and 'Georgy Pordgy,' a Sauvignon Blanc 2020 and many more to follow." It's not just wine, its music in wine. Each soundtrack to her enigmatic wines are carefully written to bring to life the relationship between the wine and the music into a wine-musical experience; as you experience each bottle of Liz Ogumbo Wines, you can scan the barcode to get you into the music through her wines inspired by music and the music inspired by the wines. Liz spends a lot of time in wine edutaining the wine lovers within and beyond her network through her wine content released and shared through articles, wine-tastings, wine experiences, vodcast, podcast. Let’s also bear in mind that when she is drinking a bottle of good wine each day of her wine-loving life, she is likely to be inspired to create more content to share with all of you wine lovers. Now firmly established as a leading Afropolitan with real vision, Liz is ready to take on the world of wine with all aspects of her creative entrepreneurship, experience and creativity.