Vintage Ammonite
Greg Linn Wines and Imports
Passion Passion to discover and share new wines has been the first push at the time of creating this company, in a continously growing process of self improvement and determination . Thanks to friendly collaborations and hard work with wine producers of the finest Argentinan Wineries and customers in several spots of the world. Professionality Our sales force, our international knowledge and mastering of logistic strategies, are the professional skills that allow us to cut our customers and wine producers loose from concerns regarding international shipments. Besides, our sales work in local market increases our knowledge of the products sold, and enforces our tight relationship with suppliers. Trust The responsability of satisfying our customers with top-value-for-money wines, carefully selected within the wide range of Argentinian Wines, is a reason to pride ourselves of being capable of inspiring trust through all our collaborators all over the world.