Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Chateau Wine and Spirit was transformed from the International Tropical Timber Corporation (ITT), once the biggest timer importer in Taiwan founded in 1983 whose acting market covering Europe, America, Asia, and Africa.
In 1989, being introduced by a French timber supplier, for the first time the ITT started to learn about Grand Cru de Bordeaux, as a result, ITT began wine importation business. With a sensitive market sense cultivated by operating the market of high-end furniture/housing material, the ITT foresaw an increasing need among consumers at the top of Pyramid. Hence in 1994 the Chateau Wine & Spirit was established and sufficient resources were invested to promote Grand Cru de Bordeaux in . Chateau Wine & Spirit grew rapidly and its annual revenue reached a pick at NTD 220,000,000 in 1996. In a few years, it had become the leading importer of Bordeaux wines .