Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
We are a leading Lebanese-based trading company. Unimarket s.a.r.l. Trading is the client's most inclusive supplier. From initial product inquiry to final delivery of goods, Unimarket s.a.r.l. offers over 20 years of expertise in domestic and international trading. Since 1990, Unimarket s.a.r.l. has been supplying top quality Wine, Champagne, and canned food with one aim on mind "plan for the worst and expect the best".
Unimarket s.a.r.l. is devoted to find great wines and to join between the Lebanese taste and the Spanish spirit.
We don't look for commercial wines; as life is too short, and clients deserve the best quality wine ever. We look for wines of character that client will not find on quality supermarket shelves.