Poet's Leap Riesling
Long Shadows Vintners
United States
The mission of Superunie is to buy goods and services with the best price / quality ratio. Superunie buys at the source and is always looking for alternatives where the best alternative is rewarded. Despite the diversity among its members, Superunie operates as a unit.
Superunie is a purchasing organization that represents 13 independent retail organizations in the Netherlands. The organization covers the market with over 1,500 stores and has a market share of almost 30%. Superunie has been successful for 60 years now.
The best way to explain the success of Superunie is the commercial strength of its members in their different local markets in the Netherlands. Many Superunie members are market leaders in the area in which they are based and are able to compete with powerful national supermarket chains.
The professional knowledge of the regional and local market often gives the members who are members of Superunie a head start. Many of the supermarket chains are family businesses, which ensures loyalty of the local consumer in a world that is becoming increasingly impersonal.