Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
We are FLS Company, a 100% independent liquor company in the Netherlands. For more than 20 years, our sales and marketing organisation has focused on developing and marketing products and the associated experience.
FLS Company International NV is looking for International Business Partners! FLS Company International NV, is a dynamic Dutch spirits company, we own several brands: Flügel, Boswandeling, Fireman, Rocketshot, Rocketshot Sour, DutchDrop and Koekie. We are an actively involved partner of our wholesalers and entrepreneurs and help them promote the sale but especially the circulation of their products. For example, FLS Company is in direct contact with a large distribution network, thanks to which our products can be purchased virtually anywhere. This network encompasses the retail sector, liquor stores, self-service wholesalers and (food service and catering industry) wholesalers. Although we are already represente in 19 European countries, we want to expand our activities and distribution. Therefore FLS Company International is looking for new Preferred Business Partners in new countries. Partners who have the quality and capacity to import, distribute and activate new brands in On- and Off premise, with a clear, thorough Channel Approach Strategy. We can offer a commercial cooperation/distribution agreement to partners who are able to expand our business. We believe in long-term cooperation with future agents/distributors.
An active online community has been formed through intensive interest in our products. For example, all of the brands you can find online are also on social media. And thanks to our strategic approach, this all benefits the ultimate branding of the products. Guaranteeing the quality and appearance of our products is easily accomplished by our own Media & Graphic Design department. It is in part due to this that we can quickly deploy customised activations in various channels and tie into current events. We link our experience, acquired by launching multiple products ourselves, to our creative and ambitious team. With our products, we have proven that we are able to create brands with success, experience and attention based on our own vision of brand building.