Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Category: Other
Country: Portugal
NutriDimension operates in the food distribution sector, providing products which brands are exclusively represented by our company. We dedicated our self to the representation of pre-selected and approved range food products, to ensure high quality standards of the different foods types presented by us, knowing that we will bring to you the best of what is produced at the food industry. Our performance in this business line is distinguished by the ability to provide products with unique features, giving answers to the current needs of an increasingly competitive and attractive market, but extremely demanding. In order to provide a diversified offer, presenting solutions for different types of business involved in the food industry, we have developed our business around two market segments, which raised three distinct product ranges. We have two ranges developed for the HORECA channel, and local shops whose purpose includes the sale of regional / gourmet food, while the third product range is intend to institutions providing public service. Establishing a relationship with NutriDimension is to ensure the existence of distinct products, with outstanding quality, knowing that you always have at your disposal a professional team available to answer you and ensure the best service according to your needs. More than a business, we aim to establish a connection emphasizing the closeness and complicity between partners.