Poet's Leap Riesling
Long Shadows Vintners
United States
Welcome to Oak Cultured Tisane at its finest! Having invested well over 10,000 hours contemplating, practising and perfecting his craft, the founder of ZEN MOMENT KOMBUCHA INC. has been referred to as "Gung-fu Master of Kombucha!" It is no wonder when you gradually come to realize his level of devotion to the art of oak-brewing this traditional divine elixir. For Nelson, brewing Kombucha is a meditation and a key part of his personal spiritual practice as he endeavours to serve the highest good. He selects premium ingredients with utmost care and always brings his personal energetic best to the brewing process. Every meticulous step taken is infused with loving intention in the spirit of the findings of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto - Hidden Messages In Water. Integrating the wisdom of TCM and the concept of Vibrational Medicine, we offer a delightful cultured tea experience intended to nourish, balance and elevate your entire being!