Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
Prodal 94 srl is a top quality spirits producer which has become a leading spirits company in its home market Romania. It has best -in-class manufacturing capability: State-of-the-art machinery& fully automated production, based on high quality grains, and pure water coming from an artesian well 150 meters deep. Prodal has strong expertise in recipe development and applies rigorous quality control. Prodal's mission is to provide quality at affordable price, hence delivering superior value for money. The quality of Its flagship brands, Stalinskaya vodka and Wembley London Dry gin has been universally recognized: During the last 8 years, they have been consistently winning awards in the most important international competitions. Stalinskaya & Wembley compete internationally in the affordable premium segment and offer very high value for money. Stalinskaya & Wembley are expanding their distribution in the global market place