Poet's Leap Riesling
Long Shadows Vintners
United States
A/S Bryggeriet Vestfyen’s is a proud and independent brewer of beer since 1885 and its history spans a period of more than 130 years. The brewery started out as a small, local brewhouse – with an assortment of just a couple of different beer types – with local sale constituting its sole basis of existence. Majority of our years, our beer carried the name Vestfyen - and still does, for that matter. Nowadays, however, our portfolio also comprises a wide array of other tasty brands, such as 55° North, Willemoes, Vestfyen, Bryggeriet Frejdahl, Jolly Cola, Stockel and more.
In those days, the brewhouse was just one among many small, local breweries in Denmark. Now, it is one of the few independent breweries having survived to this day. Our name may seemingly denote a small and local enterprise, we are actually Denmark's fourth largest brewery. In the course of time, the brewery has experienced major as well as minor changes and adjustments, with respect to products as well as production facilities. Our production has been steadily increasing since 1885. Today we produce beer and soft drinks, marketed in a variety of bottles and in cans, for own brands as for private labels. Similarly, we contract manufacture for other breweries and moreover, we are Denmark's largest brewers of craft beer.
In 1916, the brewhouse underwent one of its first major expansions, as the brewhouse was supplemented by a soft-drinks manufacturing plant. The brewery is still domiciled in the same buildings as then. More have been added, though. Today, we command 25,000 m2 divided into four independent bottling units and ancillary storage buildings, standing on a plot totalling 84,000 m2.