
ProductRTD (ready-to-drink cocktails)
From Lithuania
Alc. Vol %:4.00
Price per unit US$0.49
Price per unit €:On request
Post Date05/11/2020
Mix: High quality carbonated alcoholic cocktail ready for consumption. “Brandy – cola” is considered as option for a more modern consumer and makes it perfect taste for special evening.
About: Guaranteed stand out and show off, as everyone will notice its extraordinary color. On the other hand the taste itself is very pleasant and easy drinking, finished with a mild citrus aroma for a double pleasure.
Please feel free to contact us for more details or simply send us a message to know more.
Brand Distribution Graph
- Current World Distribution
- Looking for World Distribution
- Current US State Distribution
- Looking for US State Distribution
Countries this brand is distributed in:
- China
- Denmark
- Belgium
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Holland
- Poland
- Romania
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Ukraine
Countries this brand looking to be distributed in:
- Canada
- Mexico
- Australia
- Papua New Guinea
- Indonesia
- India
- Myanmar
- Thailand
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Vietnam
- China
- Brazil
- Peru
- Argentina
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- Bolivia
- Paraguay
- Uruguay
- Colombia
- Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- Ecuador
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- Guatemala
- Suriname
- Guyana
- France
- United States
US States this brand is distributed in:
US States this brand is looking to be distributed in:
- California
- Georgia
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Tennessee
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Pennsylvania
- Maryland
- Delaware
- New Jersey
- New York
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- Utah
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- Kansas
- Oklahoma
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
- Missouri
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- South Dakota
- North Dakota
- Wisconsin
- Illinois
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Alaska
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Michigan
About this company
It is one of the largest alcoholic beverage manufacturers in the region which unites Stumbras, Alita, Anykščių vynas and Gubernija factories. Each of them is unique, having many years of experience, a clear specialization and vision; all of them are brought together as they respect the heritage of Lithuanian beverages and cherish traditions. The legacy of the old specialists becomes a source of inspiration while creating new products and improving the long lasting recipes. We are able to reach the top level of craftsmanship in manufacturing because of synergy of the four factories, the common unique centre of manufacturing equipment, laboratories and technologies, as well as the team full of various competencies, knowledge and ideas.
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