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Covid-19 : Precautionary Advice

Here are a few precautionary measures that need to be taken during the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak to ensure overall health and safety.


With the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak taking over the globe, we all need to focus on staying safe and making sure we’re not a carrier, and we’re not coming in contact with any carriers of the disease.

Over the past few months, the outbreak has become worse, and we definitely cannot predict what is going to happen next. However, what we can do is make sure we’re ready for the worst, and make sure that we’re doing everything possible to stay alert and stay safe.

The famous saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is to be put to use now. Here are a few ways in which you can take precautions to stray yourself away from the virus.

Basic precautionary measures

  1. Wash your hands with soap frequently

Washing your hands with soap and water kills whatever viruses may be on your hand, so make sure you thoroughly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

  1. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes

The main reason for this is that our hands touch plenty of surfaces that could be carrying the virus, and the easiest way for a virus to find itself into our bodies is through the nose, mouth, and eyes. So, it’s best to keep your hands away from your face.

  1. Social distancing

Keep in mind that Covid-19 is spread from person to person. Keep yourself away from others, especially large gatherings. When someone sneezes or coughs, they spray small liquid droplets and being close to them, you might just breathe it in and catch a virus, or the Covid-19 virus if the person is carrying it.

  1. Seek medical care no matter what

If you have a cold, cough, fever, or any other issue - make sure you seek medical care as early as possible. You never know the reason for you getting sick, and you being sick can make others sick too. The best thing to do is see a doctor as soon as you start seeing symptoms of any illness, even if it is just a cough. This will protect you from other viruses that you might be prone to as well.

  1. Practice good hygiene and strengthen your immune system

If you have a cold or cough, make sure you cover your mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing. This is because your virus could easily pass to others, and vice versa. Similarly, try to strengthen your immune system by eating healthy vegetables, fruits, and protein. This will build your immune system, and make you a little less vulnerable to the virus.

  1. Avoid travelling

Keep in mind that travelling is one of the biggest driving forces of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Make sure you avoid travelling. Stay in your city, in your neighborhood, and make sure you don’t step out too much so you don’t come into contact with others.

  1. Keep your warehouse clean

Your warehouse is one of the places where you need to be alert. This could be your production plant, or where your stock is kept, or just your work premises in general. Make sure surfaces are disinfected frequently. Make sure there are masks and disposable gloves available for those working with you, and make sure there’s provision of clean food, water, soap, and sanitizers all around.

  1. Stay informed

Make sure you stay updated with all the news and what your health provider has to say about Covid-19. This will help you in taking measures accordingly, which you definitely need to focus on.

Practicing food safety

Yes, Covid-19 isn’t foodborne, but when cooking or serving, viruses left on the surface can transfer into your food - therefore it’s important to take safety measures during cooking, serving, and eating.

  • Wash your hands while handling food, especially between the handling of raw meats and cooked food.
  • Use different utensils for each form of cooking. Don’t use the same pan, knives, or other vessels that you’ve used for raw meat and raw vegetables for cooked food.
  • Make sure your form of meat is rightly cleaned. Sick animals, and animals who transfer the disease should be kept away.
  • Do not eat anything raw. Make sure you cook your meat thoroughly before eating.

While working and going out

Yes, social distancing is important, but let’s be realistic, at some point you’re bound to step out, even if it is to stock up on groceries and other needs. However, you can never be too careful. So practice these measures when you’re out shopping, or if you’re still working.

  • Wash your hands frequently, as mentioned above
  • Avoid touching your face, as mentioned above
  • Change clothing as soon as you return and make sure your clothes are washed well
  • Disinfect your shopping carts or working desks while moving around. Surfaces tend to pick up viruses easily.
  • Wear masks to protect yourself from others who might be sick, and vice versa.
  • Keep your workplace clean. Have masks, disinfectant, sanitizers, soap, and clean water around.

In the end, the Covid-19 coronavirus is something that we definitely cannot ignore, neither can we run away from. However, taking these precautionary measures will surely help you in staying safe.

If you need any help during the outbreak, here are a few links to help you out:

WHO Emergency

Coronavirus Updates


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