Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Athanor Wine

  • Category: Winery

  • Country: United Kingdom

  • Date:23/04/2020

Like Sir John Dee in his space-time, we have a different, more complete view of reality. There are worlds that go beyond apparent reality, superior worlds that can be reached and seen with the intellect and with the spirit. It is the spirit that elevates us from material reality to bring us into connection with realities that are beyond the visible world. Well, we have had access to these superior worlds.

Sir John Dee has done extraordinary works by laying fundamental foundations for understanding the physical world and beyond, he has created tools with which he has come into communication with the higher worlds. We applied Dee's esoteric knowledge to winemaking, the wine being the result of an alchemical process, to obtain not only material, but unity of spirit and matter. And we are convinced that we were guided by angels.

Our philosophy is mainly the esoteric one, of course. Ours is not just a product, we don't have a so- called corporate philosophy, we are far beyond these things. We consider wine as the result of an alchemic process, where the winemaker is a wise alchemist who completes a work that had remained unfinished by Nature. The winemaking process for us is clever alchemy.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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Category: Non Alcoholic Drinks Supplier
Country: South Africa

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