Cuvee Nokat Bordeaux

From United States
Alc. Vol %:13.50
Price per unit US$
Price per unit €:On request
Post Date24/05/2020
This fruity Bordeaux is packaged with attention grabbing artwork and is pleasant to drink. Medium bodied, rich with black and red fruit flavors, well balanced and has soft tannins. 60% Merlot -40% Cabernet. In a wine shop this bottle draws attention and gets purchased.
Our "Cuvee Nokat" is the expression of the French Modern Culture. It combines the exceptional French wine making with trendy social media artwork embraced by the Millennial generation. This fruity Bordeaux is packaged with attention grabbing artwork and is pleasant to drink. Medium bodied, rich with black and red fruit flavors, well balanced and has soft tannins. 60% Merlot -40% Cabernet. In a wine shop this bottle draws attention and is purchased over and over again. We are looking for distributors in states nationwide. Inventory stocked in Western Carriers NJ and can be direct imported from Bordeaux. $60 FOB NJ -12 bottle case 750ML to distributors. Email with your interest
Brand Distribution Graph
- Current World Distribution
- Looking for World Distribution
- Current US State Distribution
- Looking for US State Distribution
Countries this brand is distributed in:
- United States
Countries this brand looking to be distributed in:
- United States
US States this brand is distributed in:
- New York
US States this brand is looking to be distributed in:
- California
- Nevada
- Oregon
- Washington
- Idaho
- Montana
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Utah
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- South Dakota
- North Dakota
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- Iowa
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- North Carolina
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Illinois
- Wisconsin
- Michigan
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Pennsylvania
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- Maryland
- Delaware
- Rhode Island
- Maine
- Alaska
- Hawaii
About this company
Based in Westchester County, New York, International Spirits and Wine LLC has been a top importer and distributor of the finest, high-quality spirits and wines since 2008. Our portfolio consists of products that go above and beyond the expectations of accounts both on and off-premise as well as end consumers. We have an upbeat, family-oriented culture about us built on hard work and dedication as well as putting our people first. We pride ourselves on low employee turnover and everyday growth. Our importing business has built a world-class reputation internationally, as we continue to exceed the expectations of our suppliers in building their businesses and finding their perfect niche here in the US.
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