Kazayak Merlot Rose


From Moldova, Republic of

Alc. Vol %:13.50


Price per unit US$7.00

Price per unit €:On request

Post Date24/05/2024


Dry Rose Wine, is produced from selected Merlot grapes harvested in the southern part of Moldova. A wine with a fine rose color, fresh bouquet, perfectly balanced, smooth taste with touches of apricot and peach.

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About this company

Importing great tasting wines from Moldova (small country in South-East Europe) We imported four types of wine from Moldova: Kazayak Malbec Kazayak Merlot Rose Kazayak Feteasca Neagra Kazayak Feteasca Regala Last two types are made from indigenous Moldovan grapes.This wines are already in United States and can be shipped. We are also open to import different wines from Moldova if we get an order.

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