Animal Love-Tahiti White Rum
From French Polynesia
Alc. Vol %:40.00
Price per unit US$8.50
Price per unit €:On request
Post Date23/06/2021
This remarkably clean and soft rum is distilled in a modern multi plate column still from a mix of the best raw sugar, sugar cane and a touch of molasses, filtered to remove the color and diluted with the purest, freshest Tahitian spring water. It does well as a mixer in cocktails or simply sipped neat, just as it should be.
This smooth drinking rum is free of artificial ingredients and truly encapsulates the vibrancy and spirit of French Polynesia.
Summer & Co.Co. has whiskies from Scotland, rums and gin from Tahiti and wines from Australia. By partnering with animal charities globally, it’s a win-win situation! You get high quality wines & spirits at great prices, whilst benefiting animal welfare & rescue. The Tahiti range benefits the turtle rescue In French Polynesia.
Please feel free to contact us for more details or simply send us a message to know more.
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About this company
Drink with love and help to support animal life and rescue Nothing else gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that you get when you help those who cannot help themselves. You know that right? And nothing makes you feel as good as that first sip of wine after a hardworking week. Now you can combine both feelings with ‘ANIMAL Love’, drinks with a social conscience. We donate part of our profits to Animal Rescue Charities. And when it comes to flavor, nothing is compromised. We deliver consistent quality products at great value. We outsource production to specialists that are producing efficiently, resulting in a very competitive price as they are produced by specialists who have the capability to deal with high production volume. So, now you can enjoy top-notch wines, rums and whiskies, and help to support wildlife and animal rescue.
The inspiration behind Summer & Co.Co? Ofcourse it have to be rescues. Many of you will understand the very special and particular joy that comes from giving a rescue animal a home. Summer & Co.Co were two of my many rescues; lively, sweet, trusting, happy (and naughty), Summer & Co.Co helped me to focus on the really important things, enjoying life and sharing happiness with others. With many years of experience in the drinks industry between us, we wanted to come up with a new way of buying and drinking wine that would be a fitting legacy for Summer & Co.Co and embody their best characteristics. By partnering with animal charities globally, it’s a win-win situation! You get high quality wines & spirits at great prices, whilst benefiting animal welfare & rescue.
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