Partners with TheVodkaDude

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners Partners with has partnered with (BTN) to provide’s Gold members (Vodka) consulting services. BTN Gold members will get a chance to be interviewed by Matt - Founder of TheVodkaDude. 


Advertise Here is a site that brings together distilleries and distributors,  It also gives distilleries a chance to showcase their products to potential distributors. What does that mean to you? will feature new and exciting Vodka's from time to time that have YET to hit the retail market, along with other Vodka brands that are looking for distributors.


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See Featured Vodka Brands







Featured Vodka Brand Seeking Distribution

Belaya Rus Vodka 90 Points



Award Winning Belarusian Premium Vodka is now looking for distributors

Belaya Rus (bell-eye-ah-roose) is different from America-style vodkas which by nature are “flavorless.” It is a Russian-style vodka made using the finest winter grains and pure artesian water drawn from wells 1000 ft. deep. The water is first filtered through Cremia, a black flint found in Belarus. This unique filtering process purifies the water without robbing the vodka of its flavor.


The award-winning vodka is then distilled six times to ensure the highest possible quality and purity while preserving the unique flavor and providing a gentle finish.

The U.S. version of Belaya Rus vodka is the exact same formula (recipe) used in the creation of the 100-year anniversary of RUE Minsk Kristall but has been designed especially for the U.S. market by American importer Gvardia LLC.


See Full Distribution Offer