Cherry. Brandy


From Russian Federation

Alc. Vol %:18.00


Price per unit US$1.10

Price per unit €:On request

Post Date05/12/2019


This liquor is made on the basis of cherry juice and has the popular taste of cherry brandy. It has a particularly complex composition, carefully selected to
reveal the taste and aroma of cherries in cognac fully and eliminate excessive sweetness.
Ingredients: rectified ethyl alcohol «Lux», prepeared natural drinking water, fresh alcoholized cherry mors, dried fruit mors, dried cherry juice, concentrated
cherry juice, oak alcohol infusion, brandy alcoholized cloves, brandy, natural honey, sugar syrup, lemon acid, sugar color.
Strength 18%

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About this company

SORDIS was founded on the basis of a large winery, whose 40-year-old activity was devoted to the production of high-quality tinctures, vodkas and fortified wine. In 1968, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to build an experimental winery in Gorky that would satisfy the needs of the Volga-Vyatka region and surrounding areas. The latest equipment was delivered, advanced technologies were mastered. The best specialists were invited from Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. In the shortest possible time, in two years, a large winery has grown almost from scratch. In 2004, with the advent of a new team of managers and specialists in the field of production and technology, the foundation was laid for the work of the modern holding SORDIS.

SORDIS Company creates high-quality natural alcohol products since 1970 year. We can offer you a big variety of premium and traditional vodkas, brandy, bitter liquors and sweet liquors. Now we export to CIS countries, China, India, Latvia, France. The company uses a unique technology of aging vodka in oak barrels, which has no analogues in the world. Only best natural floral, fruits, berries and grain compose recipes of all beverages.

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