
Sommeliers Choice Awards 2023 Winners

Fine French wine auctioned to help Covid-19 care staff

Lots were donated to the auction from across France, including Bordeaux, Alsace, Bourgogne, and Champagne


According to the Connexionfrance The specialist website iDealwine has been running the auction since April 27. It will last until May 7. It had been aiming to raise €100,000 overall but managed to raise €60,000 in just a few days, so may yet exceed its target.

All the money raised will go to medical charity "Protège Ton Soignant" (Protect Your Carer), which helps healthcare personnel. The auction catalogue features almost 1,000 bottles, including prestigious wines from Bordeaux, Alsace, Bourgogne, and Champagne. The list also includes a number of Italian and Portuguese wines, as well as varieties of Scottish whisky.

Read more at the source: Connexionfrance

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