
Sommeliers Choice Awards 2023 Winners

Crown Royal rye named Whisky of the Year

Jim Murray today announced Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye as the 2016 World Whisky of the Year


November 25, 2015
Renowned whisky writer Jim Murray today announced Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye as the 2016 World Whisky of the Year, marking the first time a Canadian Whisky has received the honor. The recognition comes at a time when both the Canadian and Rye whisky categories continue to gain popularity amongst whisky aficionados and consumers alike.

“Crown Royal Northern Harvest pops up out of nowhere and changes the game,” says Murray of the whisky, which he awarded a record-tying 97.5 out of 100 points. “It certainly puts the rye into Canadian Rye. To say this is a masterpiece is barely doing it justice.”

See more at Source | Beverage World

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