

Consultant Country: United States


Experienced broker and wholesaler with success in brands both from new market launch/start-up phase right through to established portfolios but in need of the right care, attention and partner in the market to achieve maximum sales success. We retain the attention, personal focus and diligence of a boutique firm yet have long standing relationships in most every sector of the industry that has allowed us to enjoy multi-million dollar brand successes. We are selective over the brands we accept with an unrelenting and unmatched process and look forward to discussing your needs and being a part of the team to achieve your goals.

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Company Experience: 11-20 Years

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Consultant Country: India

Countries covered: Array
Current product line: Wine;Spirits;Beverages;Non Alc Drinks;Beers
Looking for new: Wine;Spirits;Beverages;Non Alc Drinks;Beers
Target customers: Distributors;National and Large Chains;Airlines and Cruises
Compensation method: Commision Based

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