Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Brewery St-Feuillien

  • Category: Brewery

  • Country: Belgium

  • Date:04/01/2016

St-Feuillien Brewery was founded in 1873. For 5 generations, the Friart Family has been brewing various ales, among others the well-known St-Feuillien Abbey Beers, and continues to produce a wide range of beers (Grand Cru, Saison, Grisette, Car d’Or…), brewing with passion and knowledge to stand the test of time. The Friart Family invests constantly in equipment devoting their unwavering attention to the quality of the beer they market. Unique features: Natural top-fermenting beers with no additives, top-quality hops & malts, an infusion brewing method guaranteeing an authentic product, traditional fermentation followed by maturation in horizontal cylindrical tanks for 1 month, secondary fermentation in the bottle for at least 15 days. Gold Awards: St-Feuillien Grand Cru (European Beer Star, World Beer Awards), St-Feuillien Blonde (World Beer Awards), Saison from St-Feuillien (World Beer Awards), Car d’Or (European Beer Star, Brussels Beer Challenge). St-Feuillien is member of the Belgian Family Brewers association.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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Category: Wine Wholesaler
Country: United Kingdom

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