
Buying Country: United States

Looking for: Spirit From:

Slake Distribution LLC is a small family run Distributor/Wholesaler of beer, wine and spirits in the state of Colorado. Looking for new products wanting to establish themselves into the US Market. Please contact with details.

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Postal address

Address: 15141 North Pecos Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
City: Broomfield
State: Colorado
ZIP code:
Country: Adams County


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Buyer Country: Spain Looking for: Wine From:

Castano Wine shop is a winery and retailer based in Region of Murcia looking for wines from the mentioned countries. We want to establish comunication with wholesalers and importers and find out new options of wines, so that we can recommend our importer in Spain to bring from abroad. Please contact with details.

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Buyer Country: United Kingdom Looking for: Wine From:

Looking for own label wines & also bulk wines from blending 500l to 5000l quantities. Delivery either packed or in bulk

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Buyer Country: France Looking for: Wine From:

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Id voluptate dolor nulla e

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Buyer Country: United States Looking for: Wine From:

Shoe Crazy Wine is an importer and distributor based in Virginia. We are looking to expand our portfolio of products and offer motivated suppliers an entry into the US market using non-traditional business models. Our company operates predominantly in the South Eastern part of the US (MD, DC, VA, NC and soon GA as well) and is looking for more traditional labels specifically for the on-premise market. Origin country of the wine is not the deciding factor but quality, motivation and pricing are. We prefer producers whose portfolio includes sparkling wines, sweet wines as well as different packaging formats and sizes. Please contact with details.

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Buyer Country: Latvia Looking for: RTD (ready-to-drink cocktails) From:

Gallery Spirits Company is a spirits wholesaler based in Riga looking for a producer of 250 ml can - Vodka 18% alc vol + energy drink. we are ready to purchase in the first year 500 000pc cans and we plan to have growth of 15-20% per year. I don't have ready recipe of the cocktails, I would need producer to create it based on samples that we will provide. just for information i have been quoted for 33cl can - 0.26EUR pc EXW we are looking sort off this price range not more. Please contact with details.

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