Chuhai (Chuhai Strong)


From Japan

Alc. Vol %:6.00

Format:355 ml / 12 OZ CAN

Price per unit US$1.25

Price per unit €:On request

Post Date07/06/2017


There are several makers in Japan making ”Chuhai” KIRIN, ASAHI, SUNTORY. and etc.

6 cans in pack, 24 cans in box. 
There are size 350 ml or 500 ml. 
Chuhai is 5% Chuhai Strong is 9% 
About 12 flavors of fruits or season flavors
All drinks have different flavors and cute Japanese design. Easily you can order the samples.

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About this company

We are exporting company in Japan since 2007 year. We have clients in many countries. Since 2014 year we are exporting Japanese alcohol. People mainly know Sake or Shochu from Japan. But there are many others drink like wine, single malt whisky and beautiful, tasty cocktail called "CHUHAI". It has many flavours and ABV 5% or "CHUHAI STRONG" ABV 9%. As those beverages are made according to strictest Japanese regulatory standards you can rest assured that no harmful substances hurt your system ^) Our customers who had experience to taste it, was so HAPPY and DRUNK !!

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