Master's Doctor Brandy


From India


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Post Date12/02/2016


Rich, fruity aromas extracted through the finest distillation process that recreates a sensory treat as it glides down smoothly with each sip. Nose - Fruity aromas Colour - Rich golden yellow Taste - Rich and fruity. Full-bodied and warm Our state-of-the-art technology and a wide distributor base even in foreign markets has ensured market penetration and brand recognition on an international scale. Our product mix matches evolving consumer preferences, enabling us to meet the growing demand for our product offerings. TI exports Royal Choice Whisky, Senate Whisky,Senate Royale Whisky, Classic Whisky, Castle Club Whisky, Senate Matured XXX Rum, Castle Club Rum, Royal Choice Rum, Courrier Napolean Brandy, Senate Pure Grape Brandy, Master Doctor Brandy, Castle Club Vodka, Classic Vodka and Royal Choice Duet Gin and Whisky concentrate apart from the above brands are also exported . We are looking to grow our exports from the existing one per cent in FY 2009-10 to four per cent of total sales. This will be achieved by adding countries and reaching beyond our current network that spans three continents.

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Welcome to Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. (TI), connoisseurs in manufacturing world class liquor of refined taste with a distinct stamp of exclusivity. We have a range of brands to suit your palate and mood. Passion, care, innovation and trust define our work culture.

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