Franz Keller vom Löss Pinot Noir
Franz Keller
On this page we have listed some of the leading wine importers of Mexico. If you are looking to grow your distribution in Mexico, you can get started on BTN and connect with the wine consultants that can help you grow, reply to buying leads posted by licensed wine importers and also read all about sales and how to grow your wine distribution on BTN Academy. Here are few of the wine importers based in Mexico
1- Alkolavka
Address: Building 2, 4386 Proyektiruyemyy, Moskva 109235, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 223 3268
Email: alkolavka@alkolavka.ru
Website: http://www.alkolavka.ru/
2- Bonvi.ru
Address: 11 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya Ulitsa, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 694 0940
Email: infobonvi@mail.ru
Website: http://www.bonvi.ru/
3- Eurowine
Address: Suite 209, Building 1, 2 Kotlakovsky Lane, Moscow 115201
Phone: +7 0 495 411 6901
Email: welcome@eurowine.ru
Website: http://www.eurowine.ru/
4- Fine Wine
Address: Ulitsa Presnenskiy Val 27, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 940 7350
Email: info@finewine.ru
Website: http://finewine.ru/
5- Kupialco.ru
Address: 79A Altufevskoye shosse, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 8495 978 3700
Email: sales@kupialco.ru
Website: http://www.kupialco.ru/
6- Le Sommelier (Russia)
Address: 5 Smolenskaya Street, Moscow 119121, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 782 6363
Email: info@lesommelier.ru
Website: http://www.lesommelier.ru/
7- Perfect
Address: Suite 8, 26 Saltykovskaya Street, Moscow 111672
Phone: +7 0 499 685 1785
Email: info@pwine.ru
Website: http://www.pwine.ru/
8- RoyalDrinks
Address: Tverskaya ulitsa, 28, Building 2, 125009, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 518 7273
Email: 13609956@mail.ru
Website: http://www.royaldrinks.ru/
9- Shopwine.ru
Address: 32/3 Volgogradskiy Prospekt, Moscow 109316
Phone: +7 0 495 626 8828
Website: http://shopwine.ru/
10- Simplewine.ru
Address: 11 4-ya Magistral’naya ulitsa, Moscow
Phone: +7 0 495 510 6768
Email: webcatalog@simple.ru
Website: http://simplewine.ru
11- Veld-21
Address: 3 Zvenigorodskoe Shosse, Moscow 123022
Phone: +7 0 495 727 3929 ext 5257
Website: http://veld21.ru/
12- Whitehall
Address: 22 Kutuzov Prospekt, Moscow 121151
Phone: +7 0 499 977 7000
Email: headoffice@whcenter.ru
Website: http://www.whitehall.ru/
13- Wine House Caudal
Address: 36/71 Serpukhov Area, Moscow 115184
Phone: +7 499 249 1242
Email: info@caudal.ru
Website: http://www.winebutik.net/
14- Wine-Butik.ru
Address: 35 Bol’shaya Pirogovskaya ulitsa, Moscow
Phone: +7 849 5228 0310
Email: info@ wine-butik.ru
Website: http://www.wine-butik.ru/
15- Winery Hall
Address: 53 Lyusinovskaya Ulitsa, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 782 5472
Email: vino@whall.ru
Website: http://whall.ru/
16- WineStyle
Address: Metro Marina Grove, St. October, 80
Phone: +7 0 495 988 4558
Email: info@winestyle.ru
Website: www.winestyle.ru
17- 33 Vodopada
Address: Sochi aul. Bol’shoj Kichmaj per. Rodnichek 23 of .2
Phone: +7 0 918 617 4503
18- Abrau-Durso Winery
Address: 43A, Building 2, Sevastopolsky Prospect, Moscow 117186
Phone: +7 0 495 933 3333
19- Alco VIP
Address: 2/9 Ul Garnet Alley, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 796 7555
20- Alcoport.ru
Address: 24D Presnya Stree, Moscow 1905
Phone: +7 0 495 545 8470
1123 Moscow, Russia
Sh. Entuziastov, 56, bld. 24
22 - RusImport
The Company was founded in 1993. In 1996 a subsidiary Company was established in St.Petersburg. Today the Company incorporates the headquarter in Moscow and branches in about fifty largest Russian cities. Rusimport is the leader of the Russian market both in import and sales. More than 18 000
Disclaimer: Please note that the companies listed on this page are not related to or are directly or indirectly involved with the Beverage Trade Network. BTN has listed the companies as a reference purpose only.
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