Barolo Perno 2021
Greg Linn Wines and Imports
Or Do you already have in-market representation but need to increase your coverage?
BTNBevBroker's can provide broker services to help you develop relationships with distributors in additional territories not yet covered. A healthy brokerage relationship can provide the brand principle with complete control and peace of mind, with BTN acting as the key point of contact between you and the Broker.
The brand principle is fully responsible for ensuring the effective shipment of goods to the distributor in the market on receipt of a completed order and payment within agreed terms and conditions based on a commission structure. Terms and conditions are determined on a client-by-client basis. You can search our Brokers by compensation (Commission Bases, Fixed Base, Mix).
Target Territory: Mid-West USA States.
BrewPlan is strategic marketing advisors concentrating on the growth craft brewers and brewpubs across the US and Canada.
BrewPlan’s focus is on building brands, not cutting costs and overhead. BrewPlan develops solutions, not idenitify problems.
Areas of expertise includes:
Strategic business planning and analysis, Marketing plans and brand development, Market research and industry data, Business acquisitions and valuations (buy/sell), Advertising, packaging and POS development, Sales incentives, special events and sponsorships, Pricing analysis and strategy development, Marketing budget and pro-forma projections, Contract brewing and strategic alliances, Distribution partners and brokering, Budgetary advice and systems support, Component purchasing and procurement
Some Of the BrewPlan Clients Are Listed Below...
Easy Wine Glass: www.cefourwine.com
Belaya Rus Vodka: www.juststopby.us
Salveto Imports: www.salvetoimports.us
Lost Island Wine: www.lostislandwine.com
Bull Falls Brewery: www.bullfallsbrewery.com
Lakefront Brewery: www.lakefrontbrewery.com
TWIGS Wine: www.twigswines.com
Veris Cellars: veriscellars.com
Bodega Raffy Wines–Mendoza, Argentina www.bodegaraffy.com
Comte de Mazeray Wines and Champagnes–Mazeray, France www.mazeray.com
If your brewery or winery would like BrewPlan to sift through all of the various distribution options in the Upper Midwest or any market in the United States, we have the connections you need to gain access to very crowded markets. We have built years of professional relationships with several different networks including:
1.) Anheuser-Busch (Red) Network
2.) Miller-Coors (Blue) Network
3.) Pabst-Stroh Network
4.) Wine & Spirits Distributors
5.) Craft Beer Only Distributors
Here is one example of a Midwest Hybrid Distribution system that BrewPlan established for a client:
BrewPlan's expertise is focused in the Midwest, but BrewPlan has contacts all over the country and can assist the development of an efficient, full-service and value-added distributor network for your company’s brands. BrewPlan’s distributor selection process involves the following strategic assessment:
1.) Competitive brands handled
2.) Size and scale of operation/market share
3.) Professional sales force with Craft Beer, Specialty or Wine & Spirits Division
4.) Feet-on-the-street/resources
5.) Category management, design shop and large format printing
6.) Warehousing, Trucks/Route Management and Inventory Management Systems
7.) Retail/Chain store relationships
8.) Draught training/specialists
9.) Special Events/Sponsorships
10.) Focused and involved management team
Access a Full List Of Wine, Beer, Spirits Brokers here. Want to see how Brokers can help you?
Upgrade To BTNGoldMember and contact BrewPlan to discuss your brokerage needs.