
Buying Country: United Kingdom

Looking for: Non-Alcoholic Beverage From:

Tipples And Company is a retailer in England looking for a wholesaler of Nordic Mist drinks mixer. Please get in touch.

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Postal address

Address: 39 Grange Road, Darlington, UK
City: Darlington
State: England
ZIP code:
Country: County Durham, North East England


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Gallery Spirits Company is a spirits wholesaler based in Riga looking for a producer of 250 ml can - Vodka 18% alc vol + energy drink. we are ready to purchase in the first year 500 000pc cans and we plan to have growth of 15-20% per year. I don't have ready recipe of the cocktails, I would need producer to create it based on samples that we will provide. just for information i have been quoted for 33cl can - 0.26EUR pc EXW we are looking sort off this price range not more. Please contact with details.

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p>Occaecat aliquip laborum aute enim dolor fugiat elit laborum. Esse duis aliqua consectetur tempor officia enim laboris ipsum laboris. Quis ipsum ea reprehenderit nulla eiusmod. Sit fugiat amet consequat laboris ullamco non. Incididunt sint consectetur nostrud cupidatat tempor aliqua.


In Lorem nisi ad sit. Elit nostrud nulla ea non eiusmod esse. Pariatur cupidatat ut aliquip labore ea ut non occaecat officia. Reprehenderit est id ea fugiat fugiat elit quis tempor amet. Ullamco minim non qui voluptate.

Id voluptate dolor nulla e

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