Vodka "Squadra Russa"


From Russian Federation

Alc. Vol %:40.00


Price per unit US$29.00

Price per unit €:23.00

Post Date05/07/2021


Down the ages Russia become a great sea power. Mr. Fred T. Jane, famous English chronologist and founding editor of reference books on warships, once said that «Russian Navy had fought in desperate sea-fights, and a thousand years ago the foremost sailors of the time were Russians». Vodka «SQUADRA RUSSIA» with its unique and noble appearance, full of patriotism, is the reflection of Russian sea power's greatness. Trademark's know-how is the silver naval mine which is floating inside the bottle. It's known that naval mines are relatively low-cost and highly effective weapons. Potent ship killers, just the threat of mines can deter an enemy from sending his surface ships or submarines into an area. Mines are difficult to locate and sweep. Mines have been employed as offensive or defensive weapons in rivers, lakes, estuaries, seas, and oceans, but they can also be used as tools of psychological warfare. Offensive mines are placed in enemy waters, outside harbors and across important shipping routes with the aim of sinking both merchant and military vessels. Defensive minefields safeguard key stretches of coast from enemy ships and submarines, forcing them into more easily-defended areas, or keeping them away from sensitive ones. Being a great threatening weapon able to demoralize the enemy, naval mine became a symbol of vodka «SQUADRA RUSSIA» as if it could appeal that the ENEMY SHALL NOT PASS! Exclusiveness of the trademark highlighted by the pewter label where legendary sea-fights of great Russian Navy are placed. We are a lot to be proud of!

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About this company

The «STANDART» distillery after years of successful experience has achieved a strong presence on the Russian and CIS market of strong alcoholic drinks. One of the main reasons of «STANDART's» success is the high quality of the products ensured by the two modern filling lines, foreign filtration systems, own high-tech laboratory keeping all the stages of production in check. The personnel of «STANDART» distillery consists of highly professional people. Chemical engineers and microbiologists carry out the chemical and microbiological control of the incoming raw materials and the final products. All this factors made it possible for «STANDART» distillery to stand in line the famous distilleries of Russia. The «STANDART» vodka can be considered as a premium quality product which will satisfy the most exigent tasters. Only clean natural water making the vodka's flavor mild is used for its production. «STANDART» company is the winner of different national and international wine contests due to the exceptional gustatory, ecologic and esthetic qualities of its vodka. We are also the first company in Russia who got the ROSTEST Best

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