Bohemian Absinthe


From France

Alc. Vol %:70.00


Price per unit US$On request

Price per unit €:On request

Post Date23/07/2024


La Fee Bohemian Absinthe

70%abv x 700ml

Strong makes great sour cocktails and

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About this company

Specialize in real French Absinthe, Super Premium, Premium and Mainstream for export around the world La Fée Parisienne Absinthe Supérieure 68%abv all natural, traditionally distilled Rhone Alpes and bottled Paris La Fee Blanche Absinthe Supérieure 53%abv all natural, traditionally distilled Rhone Alpes and bottled Paris Only Absinthe endorsed by the French Absinthe Museum Bohemian Absinthe 70%abv bottles Paris NV (ENVY) Absinthe 40%abv bottles Paris Avaliable direct under bond Paris and via Peiss Imports USA (Bonded California) & Webb Banks SG Wine & Spirits Caribbean (Bonded Paris or Miami)

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