
Sommeliers Choice Awards 2023 Winners

Dark Island Reserve is the Best Beer of the Year by Package – Declares a Leading Beer Competition in London

The Dark Island Reserve has been named the Best Beer of the Year by Package by 2018 London Beer Competition.


The Dark Island Reserve from the Orkney Brewery was entitled the Best Beer of the Year by Package and also won a silver medal in 2018 London Beer Competition which took place in London on March 8-9 this year. This brewery is located quite near from one of the most famous Neolithic settlements in Northern Europe – Skara Brae. The brewhouse of Orkney is a sign of traditions and history. The finest hand-crafted ales of the Orkney are created using finest ingredients and purest Orcadian water.

dark-island-reserveDeveloped using the traditional method in the Orkney Brewery, the Dark Island Reserve is rich and strong Orcadian Ale. After the gentle fermentation, this beer is finished in old oak casks which were formerly used to mature fine scotch malt whiskey. The delicious flavours of this beer are a result of the unhurried process which creates a timeless classic, full of fruits and spice notes.

The brewery also organizes several events including brewery visits and music events. Recently, a live music event by Tweed took place which was a fun evening with live entertainment and food.

About the Competition

LBC LogoThe London Beer Competition recognizes and rewards the beer brands that have successfully been created to identify with and target a specific beer drinker. The competition judges beer in three key areas - quality, value for money and packaging. To be an award winner in this competition, all you need to have is a good quality beer that offers great value for money and a look that stands out on the shelf of the bar. 2019 London Beer Competition is back and if you have a beer with the above qualities, you can enter your beer here.

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