Cloud 9 Natural Aphrodisiac Beverage

ProductNon-Alcoholic Beverage

From United States

Alc. Vol %:


Price per unit US$2.30

Price per unit €:On request

Post Date27/08/2016


Sure there are a ton of energy drinks on the market, but what about a natural aphrodisiac beverage.  One that combines all the vitamins one would expect from an energy drink, with the added benefits of vitamins and extracts that boast the ability to heighten the consumers’ libido and stimulate their senses.  There is one such beverage… Cloud 9. In a generation that has never been more blatant about its affinity for sexual expression, Cloud 9 is a product whose time has come.  Cloud 9 combines the allure of sexual enhancement and the need for a healthier soft drink into one bottle.  Where else can you find health consciousness and decadence in the same place? A drink that brings passion to the party!

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About this company

Exclusive distributor of Cloud 9 Natural Aphrodisiac Beverage. (Apple and Pomegranate flavored, lightly carbonated.)

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