Wine Australia Initiative

Wine Australia and

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This winery is part of Wine Australia and BTN program which offers great support to it's new importers in the first 12 months.

BolderTM Wines Australia

There is nothing quite like exploring something new

Tony said it himself “Too many bloody boring wines in the market. Its time for something new and real so let’s have a crack with some of these ripping wines I’ve been making”. And so around the BBQ on a hot Mildura night, the BolderTM project took flight…….


To make good wine, you have to know good wine, and as one of Australia’s largest private grapegrowers, Tony Mangan is more than qualified to make that distinction. He may also have Australia’s largest sense of humour…


Humble beginnings bred in Tony an understanding of the hard work required to succeed as well as the vision necessary to build something from the ground up.

Purchasing their first vineyard 23 years ago, Tony and his wife Julie were quickly recognised as a formidable force in the industry. Not long after, their business expanded to include further vineyards.


Their tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit saw them expand further into citrus, as well as devising methods to enhance organic matter in soils and eliminate unnecessary water usage, work which cemented their place in the industry and which continues today to benefit viticulturists all around Australia.


Whilst their days were busy, their passion for wine always remained in the forefront and Tony’s love of good food, great wine and fantastic company convinced him it was time to bring his wines direct to the consumer for them to enjoy first-hand.

Tony knows that a truly exceptional wine is more than just grapes in a bottle – it’s about the heart and soul behind the scenes and this larger-than-life character has that in spades.


Our Wines


Don't Hesitate